--No item selected-- | ||
Billings 9 Ball |
--No item selected-- | ||
Higher Values |
--No item selected-- | ||
Score + |
Singles |
Billings 9 Ball |
Billings A Division |
Ashland 8 Ball |
BZN Valley West |
Carbon County 8 Ball |
Gardiner VNEA |
Laurel 8 Ball |
Miles City 8 Ball |
Livingston 8 Ball |
Lewistown Blue |
Hole In The Wall |
Billings B Division |
Billings 8 Ball |
Lewistown Green |
Vigilante #1 |
Vigilante #2 |
Lewistown 9 Ball |
BZN Fall A |
BZN Fall B |
BZN Valley East |
Women's |
Poplar 8 Ball |
Mon G1 |
Billings Fun League |
Billings Fun League Silver Division |
Mon G2 |
Mon G3 |
Billings Full Group 8 Ball |
Ranger Lounge 8Ball League |
Carbon County Gold Division |
Carbon County Copper Division |
Billings Platinum Division |
Billings Silver Division |
Notes |
Tuesday Fraternal |
Vegas test match |
Miles City Fun League 2.0 |
Carbon County Tuesday |
Livingston Fun League |
Lewistown Summer 2023 A |
Lewistown Summer 2023 B |
Teams |
Billings 9 Ball |
Billings A Division |
Ashland 8 Ball |
BZN Valley West |
Carbon County 8 Ball |
Gardiner VNEA |
Laurel 8 Ball |
Miles City 8 Ball |
Livingston 8 Ball |
Lewistown Blue |
Hole In The Wall |
Billings B Division |
Billings 8 Ball Teams |
Lewistown Green |
Vigilante #1 |
Vigilante #2 |
Lewistown 9 Ball |
BZN Fall A |
BZN Fall B |
BZN Valley East |
Women's |
Poplar 8 Ball |
Mon G1 |
Billings Fun League |
Billings Fun League Silver Division |
Mon G2 |
Mon G3 |
Billings Full Group 8 Ball |
Ranger Lounge 8Ball League |
Carbon County Gold Division |
Carbon County Copper Division |
Billings Platinum Division |
Billings Silver Division |
Notes |
Tuesday Fraternal |
Vegas test match |
Miles City Fun League 2.0 |
Carbon County Tuesday |
Lewistown Summer 2023 A |
Lewistown Summer 2023 B |
Higher Values |
Lower Values |
10 on break |
10-0 Losses |
10-0 Wins |
10-0 Wins (no ERO) |
4 groups HDCP (0-3)* |
8 Ball Foul |
8 Ball Scratch |
8 on break |
9 on break |
Amount Owed |
Amount Paid |
Average |
Average (10) |
Average (8) |
Average (9) |
Average (Without HDCP) |
Average against |
Average with previous score |
Awards ($) |
Break and Run |
Break and Run (8 ball) |
Break and Run (9 ball) |
Break and Run Against |
Championship Points |
Combined games (with prev games) |
Combined score (with prev score) |
Consecutive wins (Combined) |
Consecutive wins (Division) |
CS Rate |
CS Rate Stars |
Cue Ball Foul |
Custom value 1 |
Custom value 2 |
Custom value 3 |
Dead Games |
Diff / Week |
Differential |
Differential (Without HDCP) |
Differential average |
Differential average (Without HDCP) |
Divn Custom value 1 |
Divn Custom value 2 |
Divn Custom value 3 |
Efficiency |
Ero |
Ero Against |
Fixed TRS |
Games played |
Games played (10) |
Games played (8) |
Games played (9) |
Games Wins % |
Global TRS |
Handicap total |
HDCP Diff Average |
HDCP from chart (Sc. Avg with prev score) |
HDCP from chart based on Average |
HDCP from chart based on Scratch Average |
Head to Head Rank* |
Higher value of custom stat |
Inning Average |
Innings |
Losses |
Match Count |
Match Losses |
Match Tied |
Match Wins |
Match Wins % |
Night Played Ratio |
Nights Played |
Opponent total handicap |
Perfect Match |
Player Handicap |
Points Lost Avg |
Power Factor |
Prev played games |
Prev played weeks |
Prev Score |
Pts/Match Avg |
Pts/Match Avg (Ratio) |
Pts/Match Avg (Ratio) + Prev match |
Pts/Match Avg + Prev match |
Pts/Match Avg(Session) |
Rank |
Rank With Tie |
Round Lost |
Round Wins |
Round Wins % |
Rounds Played |
Score + |
Score + (10) |
Score + (8) |
Score + (9) |
Score + (Without HDCP) |
Score - |
Score - (Without HDCP) |
Season to date |
Session average |
Table Run |
Tied games |
Time Out |
Win - Lost differential |
Wins |
Wins/Match avg |